Quattro Fluo - 28 gram

T4 cartridge highly esteemed by shooters for its versatile qualities in the various disciplines of Sporting, Universal Trench and ZZ Bird.

Extreme performance and fast, at the same time extraordinarily soft on the shoulder.

Loaded with our famous Nobel Sport Vectan 206 V powder and the exclusive NSI Classic wad, designed to guarantee high speed and minimal recoil thanks to the wad that absorbs part of the energy produced by the cartridge, reducing the muzzle flip of the shotgun and allowing or the execution of a perfectly aligned second shot.

With silver graphite lead shot to allow greater effectiveness on impact with the clay. This load is perfect from 33m and even up to 75m shots  

Gauge 12
28 GRAM - 1 OZ
Shot Size 7½ - 8
Pellets Lead
Head Brass 23mm
Tube Colour Fluo Orange
Powder Nobel Sport 206 V
Wad NSI Classic
Wad # of Wings 4
Type/Lead Colour Silver
Box / Case 25/250